So yhea the empire have the abillity to change that proably what they want but most of them just do not know how and they need the push from someone to show them a way to that goal. Empire is open for change so thier ideology could be change some what with it and like i said before i think the developers have made it so with the new ppl in command, Acina and Malcom that there is no ls or ds becuse both is equally and you can lead that side you choose to a new "era" of more freaking acceptence and lesser ideology and plotic nagging. This time you will be transforming into a Monitor. . But to sum up the situation with Loreman and Saresh, Loreman = A puppet , a fake face for the empire - proably Kill, exile or imprisonment, Saresh = A repulblic Scapegoat - Proably Killed by outlander, exiled, imprisonment or brutally murderd by her enemys. That is some weapons grade sadness. They support the Eternal Throne, let's say that again. Really? Yes loreman may be between death and prision but its same for saresh or even worse since either she gets killed by the outlander and we get **** from the republic or she spare her so she "lose" republic backing mostly becuse they used her as a scapegoat since she failed with her plan on taking over the allaince by any means. While we didn't hear from Malcom, I get the idea that's because Saresh was manipulating things for her own end. We respect your privacy. Once you spawn as a Monitor, you have to find and defeat 10 random enemies. Time they fired the writing team and hired well, writers. There is no solid reason bw could write that would make you suddenly side with either one and it actually make sense. As we mentioned in our PvP post last week, and on our original 5.2 livestream, when you arrive on Iokath you will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with in the War for Iokath. Empire Item: Republic Item: Reputation Requirement: Cost: Iokath Z1 Speeder . For this you have to head north from the common area between the 2 factions bases take the Fleet Spire to the Alliance Base area. He had such a knowledge of the Lit Side, he could even keep the ones he cared aboutfrom being caught by the police. Iokath SPOILERS. Actually, there's nothing in Sith lore or in any of the books that suggest they do this at all. A species, the name of which had been lost to time, was responsible for the construction of the massive habitable sphere named Iokath. You are forced to take sides in this conflict for one sole reason take side, or you will be destroyed by them both. When then later the outlander shows him the opposite result he was believing would happen he goes like yhea dude hey join the republic?thus I do not like how he littrely left the outlander certainly if the outlander was of republic origin to die by the will of zaakhul. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Otherwise you cant survive. Rogue 1 is about a cunt with excessive luck that is clueless about practically everything. Bendu is a neutral force user type introduced in Rebels, post Clone Wars Ahsoka claims some kind of non-jedi neutrality in her force usage (she is still fighting imps though), Maul is against everybody, jedi and sith, in both cartoons, and the Mandalorians in Rebels seem to be on every side of everything. Why destroy both, if you can side with one now, to destroy it later? Lacking emotion? It has a Stunn, Self-Destruct and Eject abilities. 1: 0; 2. One being that the Empire *is* open for change. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. You dont just stay neutral. Youre on a world of common interest. The alliance is a small coalition force made up of a fraction of people from both Republic and Empire. No snark intended. Which means that you will be able to group and do dailies with the players of the faction that you CHOSE on IOKATH. A conceptual clusterfuck really. Lets start by talking about how the Faction choice works mechanically. My characters tend to side with the Empire, even Jedifor the reasons that you already mentioned. When it shields up and the 2 additional droids spawn, look around the area there are sphere nodes around the wall on the entrance side. I do know he do not care or listen to the politics since littrely, not to listen the politicans runs in the family or how Theron said it. He could save others from the policebut not himself. At no point is he ever "Hoo-ah I'm a 'Pub now!". The Republic also actively takes the stance that they will support and appease the Eternal Throne because it will benefit them (you get another email saying just that). What book is this in? Do you prefer the Zakuul drama?, Your boss looks like his parents emigrated from The Sims. The Republic will lose a great commander of its military if Theron's dad dies, but if Acina dies, that means that the Empire will be thrown into complete chaos. Yeah, but they're allies working together towards a common goal. The Jedi sprung him from Malestrom Prisom and the Republic and Jedi actively supported and protected the Foundry, which planned to kill 98% of Imperial citizens (the amount with any Sith heritage). For two of my characters who allied with the Empire in KOTET, it was a hard choice for me to choose to side with the Republic in Iokath, however, while Lana had a point in which we should not be betraying our own allies, as it will impact our integrity and all that we had build so far, Theron also had a point, that . Well, other than the Jace Malcom romance. The object here is to use the Network Node Access Terminal in the Docking Ring. General chat channels are dictated by your normal Class Faction, you can however group with and chat with players based on your chosen Faction. It begins from the terminal on your own ship and takes roughly an hour or so. I dont give them too much credit, and I am well aware of why alliance was built. Also i just like Acina and Lana much more than Malcom and Theron xD. Mix and matching could happen. All of the vendors are located nearby the Daily Mission Terminals. Empire players can quickly get to the 2 locations in the north section of the Iokath Expanse and inspect the objects. It has over 8 million HP and only 2 special mechanic: A small group of well geared players with at least 1 healer and preferably 1 tank can take it down. The republic does not. This is just one case of it and worth the complaint. How Jedis still are considiring to be on the light side of the force is a good guestion. Still waiting for them to be solved. Charged Blast (2s channel) single target attack on the tank. I am not going to hang them out to dry now! For this you have to head north from the common area between the 2 factions bases take the Fleet Spire to the Alliance Base area. "You can move a pebble and nothing more? F bw is getting worse and worse at this by the day. Yes, just because Im now butchering my factions forces doesnt mean Im a traitor and a turncoat. is a website focused on creating high quality guides and walkthroughs for various MMORPGs to help gamers improve and enjoy their game experience. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you leave Iokath you are an imperial again and your friend is no longer able to do stuff with you. However, any company with a brand they license cares about the integrity of that brand. your alliance with now only one of the 2 factions awaits your return. Does that mean that I can do both sets of dailies in the same day if I do one before I switch, and one after switching? Oh, and speaking of Belsavis and the Republic's respect for aliens, they also started the domination experiments there where they made the alien prisoners fight each other to see which would be the best soldiers. Acina did not move in and try to take the Alliance when the Commander had vanished on Iokath in KOTET, either. Your alliances only duty was to bring down arcann and vaylin. Though sometimes a Jedi can be cruler than any sith in the galaxy that can doom a race with no second thoughts as long it benefits the side the Jedi is on. Vulkk (Alex) is the owner of The evacuation and destruction of Kamino at the end of The Bad Batch 's first season marked the tragic closing of a major chapter in the Clone Wars. The Jedi kidnap children, and the Republic laws give them the right to do so. Wouldnt it be easier to fight one faction instead of two? Well yhea Acina proably never expected him to betray her in the begining so she got pissed as most sith gets, but you can stop her from killing him. Even before the release of The Empire Strikes Back in 1980, Star Wars was already expanding through tie-in media, starting with Alan Dean Foster's 1978 novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye.After the original trilogy's conclusion, Star Wars expanded to full-scale multimedia . So I picked the empire with my trooper and lost Elara. I also don't think the entire Republic brass was in the dark regarding what Saresh was doing., Serious, your Disney hate doesnt change the business model of these companies. Thats a really interesting perspective I hadnt considered., Nice Mass Effect: Andromeda screenshot. "Look! Personally, I would have preferred using my fleet to bomb them to hell and back, but whatever. Clear a path for Imperial forces by disabling the Republic plasma emitter defenses. Ironic. - Wednesday, January 4, 2023. So for me republic might be all shiny and sparkely, but underneath all that glamour is proably more sh*t going on than what the empire have littrely in the republic story you either see corrupt leaders of all kind or your character or a nother npc on that side might become a mass muderer of a hole race ((On taris you can choose to eradicate all rakghouls to exctintion or not. You say it wont have any impact beyond Iokath, but it will impact, Black Desert April 5 Game Update Patch Notes, Black Desert Dark Knight Awakening April 12. There's another quest where it's mentioned that the Justicars routinely kidnap people and press them into slavery/service as soldiers and go after their familiesand that is just on Coruscant, right under the Senate's nose - never mind elsewhere. I do not count in this seresh assanistion attempt in this since it had nothing to do with the republic, though question is why would the republic not help? No reason for bad feelings. Well, what if its a Friday and I was kind of tired but really wanted ice cream so I ran out to get some while wearing my wifes Crocs? Id like to choose the alliance I created and not one of those other lesser factions please. That said, I wish we had the option to just ignore them both., Which, let's be fair, is a well deserved first thought to go with when it comes to Sith. And yes, I heard that WOW and FFXIV offer us more content then SWTOR, but I personally never been PVP player and never wanted to be depending on players at all. I want my waifu back. Then, you either join the one left or will be forced to fight them too. So I ask what side did you choose and why? At best, youd be entertaining the idea of working with both and not alienating one side or the other because it makes you look weaker given youre the leading power of the both of them. Just like todays world oppressors do with political parties while giving meatbags the illusion of choice. Your email address will not be published. After the story, your current Faction will determine what base and Daily Missions you can access. Looking at the Republic as the faction to support peacekeeping is a bit short-sighted IMHO. So you my friend are not far from the truth But I guess you already know that, or you wouldnt have mentioned it, Priceless stuff man Priceless. The last button on your toolbar is for when you are done and want to return back to your character. Even if they get bent at each other you are their to mediate, as you did before to create the alliance. You need 50 of those. Like did you go on characters normal faction or betrayed over to the other side? Criminals take slaves. Disney is paying attention, and even if they dont have anyone working in the studio at Austin, they do have full veto authority over all narrative content. You will be able to choose which Faction you want to side with initially during your characters storyline on Iokath. SWTOR Iokath Story and Dailies Guide. As you sure you played all the chapters and listened to the story? Now that the Empire and the Republic dont have a common enemy, theyll be back to their old ways once again. Unless Pepsi bought Starbucks, your analogy doesnt work. That's worse IMHO. As for Acina, I hope I get to betray her just like she tried to do the alliance. kinda get worse for me , Quinn is saved by class . Empire players can quickly get to the 2 locations in the north section of the Iokath Expanse and inspect the objects. 28 Star WarsThe Bad Batch S02E08 Truth and Consequences , 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP 5.1 x264 NTb Star WarsThe Bad Batch S02E08 Truth and Consequences , 1080p DSNP WEB-DL DDP 5.1 x264 NTb At the end of the vanilla story she chose to be a secret agent for the Republic. Think of it like any other story choice with consequence in your Class story or KOTFE/KOTET Chapters. They already managed to leave their house and get to their workplace. Hahaha, What if its a Tuesday and I just ate some Taco Bell, Eric? But why would you want to grind them? SWTOR Choosing a Faction on Iokath. Want some opinions about this sicnce i am unsure if i should go empire or republic with my re-rolled light sided jedi xD. They used to do fairytales and thats exactly what they are turning into SW. 2023 MMO Guides, Walkthroughs and News. I feel you may be giving them to much credit, would be nice, hopefully you are right. You have to navigate over to the other factions area, just outside of their base, find a Walker and Self-Destruct on it to complete the mission. Thats Eaware consistency for you, and lets better not talk about non-force users. [toc] New Arcann Customization These customizations can be purchased form the Light/Dark sider vendors on the fleet. The 5th location is far to the south. Yes. 19. ", Sooo, assuming there's truth to this Jedi stealing kids, Sith do it too. Thana Vesh's parents for instance refuse to have her trained. I hate Quinn, but for my Sith Warriors it's easy enough to make him go away. And the person feels bad for not being a Jedi! Correct! 1. But thats not quality content, one day youre one of the greatest sith in the galaxy, next day youre forced to share an alliance with the republic, and the final day the alliance misteriously dissapears and you have to start again. It would be only logical to try and take your side, in order to destroy another faction. . Empire under Acina has been great to the alliance. It's not that Jedi were trained to kill Sith on sight, it's that some of them said "I don't trust sith and **** em all." The Republic sends a letter after the Saresh incident saying that they privately agree with what you did, but will bash you publicly - they publicly endorse her and her actions. Made by the padawan who didn't get her Masters lessons. With the War for Iokath, SWTOR tries to return to the roots of having the two main factions fight again. This mission can be completed at the same time together with Mend a Broken Shard and Disarm. Great question! Support Vulkk with a monthly Patreon pledge, Everything about SWTOR Patch 5.2 The War for Iokath, learn more about Switching Sides on Iokath, How to prepare for SWTOR 7.0 Legacy of the Sith, SWTOR 7.0 Sorcerer Changes Preview and Analysis (PTS), Rocked Assault (8s channel) red circles on the targeted player, to avoid taking damage, keep moving and stay away from the main group. Raina is in hiding because of it. So if you do queve for a warzone in a cross F group on Iokath, you will most likely get a warning, or you will be unable to queve, or it will delete your character and sacrifice it to the deleted gods. For the PC or the player. You need to find the Assault Walker Access Terminal and use it. This is the only mission that cannot be completed solo. Only if you were Empire? Iokath is an ancient planet that is entirely run by droids, but has become a point of interest for both factions as they seek to shift the balance of power away from the eternal throne. The Foundry, run by Revan (ex-Sith), who was a little mad to begin with? This mission takes place south from your Factions Base, in the Iokath Expanse area. From my SW's perspective, they are not as cunning or ruthless as the Empire. Yhea like i said in an erlier post the empire are willing to change and they are open with thier skeletons they have so they have nothing to hide so you know what youare dealing with, while the rupublic have a bunch hidden skeletons in the closet that they try to burry. New episodes will release every Wednesday. Keep in mind that the Monitors costs 300 Power Shards so it is an expensive daily. The biggest difference between Iokath Dailies and all other Daily Areas is that here you cannot complete all Daily Missions in one day. 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