Adding in the different media types in addition to JLPT/Joyo/Frequencywas a nice touch! Im not so strict now but I used to be. Try loading the site, then hit the browser refresh button twice. According to the WaniKani statistics page, you can learn all N5 kanji when you finish level 16, all N4 kanji after finishing level 27 and all N3 and N2 kanji after finishing level 51. That means one item can come up multiple times because users of multiple levels can find it difficult. WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. You need to wait until a certain time to get another review so you cant really rush into the next level. Are we still supposed to use the v1 key, or am I missing something? Level 10 nearly 100%. These are split into Meaning and Reading, Meaning, Reading, and Correct Answers. Moreover, there is also a blog called Tofugu which is the creator of WaniKani. You might be interested in this API token with a reset & 0 lessons: 502066c2-fa74-4193-b269-d5d5fa68ec8a. :studio_microphone: :memo: Speak/Write Every Day Challenge (Summer-to-Fall 2022) :beach_umbrella: :fallen_leaf: [Userscript] Item Difficulty Indicator , : not yet, lvl 7 (looks similar to /end), : endless, lvl 25 (the radical is called greenhouse), : again, lvl 51 (the radical is stool; very big spike, maybe because it was lvl 2 some time ago), : fresh, lvl 3 (unfitting meaning because kanji means life and different reading; very high spike), : to perform something, lvl 6 (kanji means going), : ones convenience, lvl 12 (very strange meaning because kanji are /metropolis and /suit), : reputation, lvl 21 (weird reading and meaning because kanji are /evaluate and /judge; very high spike), : to be overdue, lvl 35 (probably a mix of kanji meaning stagnate and the long ass reading ), : crushing failure, lvl 53 (really dont know about this one??? Hmm, I have to be honest that I cannot imagine comparing wanikani to memrise or anki. Contact Im seconding the appreciation for the review accuracy and total items graphs. Introduction Welcome to "WaniKani: The API"! You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never It only works if you go directly to Estimate your completion date. I once tried to read the Japanese reports and was put off by how many kanji I could not read. And with so much buzz and reviews on WaniKani (and other great learning apps), you might ask: is WaniKani actually worth the money? Instead of HTML if it could just output a JSON array with the projections for each level, it would be pretty easy to leverage a Material UI Table to display that data. Estimate your completion date. I failed miserably with an overall score of 64 out of 180 and an appalling 1 out of 60 on Language Knowledge, which assesses your vocabulary and grammar abilities. Amazing! Id love to see it on a site, maybe with a cool graph, @saraqael This offer is still open to you too. WK is life-changing for me and many others. Once they are full, you will pass and move them to the next stage called guru. It just focuses on what its intended for. At that point, you have the following options to subscribe: I find this pricing reasonable and in line with most other online subscription for language courses/products. Wanikani statistics site Track your personal progress on Wanikani. They send every incorrect answer to the server to collect some stats. The link on the page itself for finding your API key does not point to the right place. So you have to copy the link close the old tab and open it in a new one! When you reach level 60 which is the last level, you will learn around 80% of N1 kanji. When you reach level 60 which is the last level, you will learn around 80% of N1 kanji. A mnemonic is given to help you remember their meaning, followed by kanji built from that radical, and as you click next, the lesson is marked complete. rfindley February 24, 2023, 4:02pm 15. WaniKani divides the kanji into 60 levels, with each level consisting of approximately 30-33 kanji. Mnemonics are basically very short poems or special words used to help a person remember something. Additionally, it includes high-quality audio recordings of both male and female speakers. Im just so excited by pretty things. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. are there official stats of how many users finished WK or what level average they drop completely? Stop teasing us, you deceitful black cat!Great image though.EDIT: but why make a placeholder thread for this ;pCool improvements! Cool site The sale ends on January 5th, so nows your chance to get $100 off the lifetime subscription (for a total of $199 plus tax). Wanikani has been my main focus since it has the best API to work with(in my opinion). Selected App. Im so confused, I dont remember writing the meaning of as endless at all, I always wrote greenhouse. WebNihongo Stats is a stats aggregation tool for Japanese language learning apps like Wanikani, Anki, and BunPro. I hope youre seeing this :). Thus, collecting this data took sooo long. I thought there would be more variety in users with different starting letters but the data set was probably to big for the statistical randomness to still be visible, I had thought that it might not be bs, but Ive been burned similarly before. Introduction Welcome to "WaniKani: The API"! Another alternative to both WaniKani and Anki is Memrise. listening comprehension) or add other half-baked features. Im a self-learner of Japanese. I stayed up all night cramming before the final, and forgot all the kanji again right after I took it. Here is the link: Because the old WK Timemachine seems to be unmaintained, I have made a similar one. The claim of just over a year has been verified by numerous community members but requires an extremely dedicated, daily effort to achieve. WaniKani is still effective for me though, but man, sometimes it gives me so much frustration. Thank you rfindley! For these stats I looked at how many times a user has had to review a difficult items reading and meaning and split them into separate numbers. If you have already known some kanji, it will probably take some levels before you reach kanji you dont really know and you might learn something you dont know before along the way. WebPlease enter your API version 2 key. If I may suggest one feature related to the initial loading time. According to the WaniKani statistics page, you can learn all N5 kanji when you finish level 16, all N4 kanji after finishing level 27 and all N3 and N2 kanji after finishing level 51. Anki is a free (except for iOS) flashcard app using the spaced repetition system. Anki and BunPro are also included but I would not consider them feature complete. Nihongo Stats Alpha. I did some work to make some pages work on mobile devices, but you will have a better experience on a Desktop/Laptop. When you reach level 60 which is the last level, you will learn around 80% of N1 kanji. WaniKanis strongest point in being an effective Japanese kanji and vocab trainer is also its weakest: it just teaches you that, and nothing else. The API is brilliant and well-documented. You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never know). These are kanji of difficult vocab items. I turned this graph into a pure percentage graph without absolute values: There are people on level 1 with burned items? WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. I burnt out a few times. A page that allows you to visualize the radicals/kanji/vocabulary you studied. Analysis for users that are level 50 or over. 4-9-4, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072. You can access it here: This is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. Guru consists of two stages. Memrise is a language learning app that has both free and paid versions. Once you reach the burned stage, this means you have memorized them in your brain and the word will be removed from the review session. The confidence Ive gained has helped me to put myself out there and use Japanese in my everyday life. Id love to do some analysis of my own like this one day. You probably have to take these with a grain of salt because the data could be skewed as I can only include users in the data set that have a WaniKani community account (dont know if it really changes something but you never You can use our API to access progress data for a user's account and a ton general reference data for the subjects within WaniKani. My first few levels were done very sporadically and inconsistently, and my review accuracy was all over the board. Enter Noun Town. WaniKani offers a free account up until you reach Level 4. There are two parts on the dashboard Lessons and Reviews. WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. If it hadnt been for my time with WaniKani I wouldnt have been able to find the place, let alone decipher the ferry schedule. ), Lets set our goals for the end of year 2018, Introducing Natively - A free community book sharing site with over 9800 popular books graded by difficulty, My Journey of 368 days (+ The Ultimate Guide for WK :open_book: ). WebWaniKani is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and vocabulary learning web app that uses mnemonics and SRS to make kanji learning simple. A) On your Wanikani account settings menu [here]. However, you might need other resources to learn how to write kanji. WebThis is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. You can answer all the recent reviews as well as recent mistakes. It's still the WaniKani lifetime sale! When creating this webapp, my main focus was on a Desktop/Laptop experience. Learn about the best Japanese language resources that I've personally test-driven. I was amazed by how much I could understand, and my boss is now very keen on sending me to the Tokyo office to further my career. The picture look likes a bar graph. There are also some numbered day words, such as , up there on the difficulty list for reading as they are often irregular. However, these wont count as the regular review and dont affect the overall spaced repetition cycle. Level 5 gets you around 80% of the way there. Master, Enlightened, and Burned represent single stages. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. Q) I leveled up, but my time is still adding to my last level. Loading the site then hitting the refresh button twice worked for me. It is stored in the browsers indexedDB as key/value pairs. There are many free learning applications out there so you might be less thrilled to pay for WaniKani. I already expected many people to have gotten their Regular status way before level 60 but the conclusion sounded more catchy the other way around ;D, These are really cool statistics, thank you for doing the work of putting them all together like this! Also, I did know about the existence Wanikani History. But still this chart is a bit more diverse than its kanji counterpart. After you finish the lessons, you will move to the review stage where you have to answer what is the meaning of these radicals, how to read these kanji and vocabulary (in hiragana) and what they mean (in English). Oh ok. The good news is that there appear to ways to export WaniKani data to Anki decks (check the community forum for questions on this). This is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. Im not so strict now but I used to be. Its goal is to provide the user with more information about their WaniKani achievements. Apprentice Guru Master Enlightened Burned. If you are looking for a place to learn kanji and vocabulary, WaniKani is probably one of the best applications as it helps you learn faster with spaced repetition and mnemonics methods. Forum users split into Free, Paid, and Lifetime users by their WaniKani subscription. The mnemonics and format of wanikani are amazing and I can't begin to imagine the level of work that went into making that program. The Overview dashboard is a mash of all of the dashboard combined into a single page. ). WaniKani's unique mnemonics are an effective way to acquire and retain large amounts of Japanese in a relatively short time. WaniKani Katakana Madness (Passively learn which readings are on'yomi/kun'yomi, and get passive katakana recognition practice) Jitai (Download/install its recommended fonts to get used to reading handwritten kanji) Wanikani Heatmap (Not really "essential," but can be motivating to keep you on track. Dont sleep on this opportunity! But it takes time. You can find it on your dashboard under your profile and API Tokens. For this I went through all of the difficult vocab items and split them into its kanji. Its essentially a vocabulary and literacy trainer for Japanese kanji, with an enormous amount of attention to detail. Wanikani. However, it has a fixed system, which means there is no way to skip the level. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. 6,000 vocabulary words. Overall, a decent trainer for Japanese vocabulary. Track your progress toward JLPT levels. Its difficult to debug because I havent reset my progress yet. It shows several graphs and stats. Update: I added a difficult kanji as part of vocab items chart to the main post. @rfindley for creating the WaniKani Open Framework. If you are having problems, your browser is probably seeing cached information from the old server. This topic was automatically closed 365 days after the last reply. If you click on any of the links from the main page, they work though and they actually change the browser URL to those exact links that dont work if you navigate to them directly. And is it the most effective kanji app? So next month is a big month for me. It should work now, although it now will take quite a while to finish (~ 20 secs). What if we tell you that theres a way to make studying more fun and (literally) immersive? Here are the most difficult vocabulary items of each level: These are the difficult vocab items with some of the highest spikes: Again, earlier levels have the most soul-crushingly difficult vocab according to this. They all use the corresponding colors except for burned because of the convention of coloring it golden. In just over a year. WaniKani is becoming an increasingly popular vocabulary trainer for Japanese learners. I really like the dark mode of the website, youve made it look pretty nice! For word info, I think wall of fame & wall of shame would be better naming of the subcategories. This version is built around a REST ful structure, with This is a WaniKani statistics website similar to WK stats. Youll be presented with what are called radicals - these are essentially building blocks for kanji. Similar to WK Stats Overview @rfindley you might wanna check your server configuration? When the radicals reach the guru stage, the kanji using these radicals will be unlocked. And, your idea of creating a userscript for the difficulty of items to be shown in lessons: should I maybe do that and do you still want it? Hi all. It focuses primarily on showing the user their personal Japanese learning history with WaniKani but also displays some different statistics from all categories. Wanikani. wkstats Track your progress on WaniKani. Please enter your Wanikani Api Key. From Japanese residents to self learners, our members learn to read Japanese quickly I first studied Japanese in college, and although I was pretty good at grammar, kanji was my weak point. In just over a year. These levels dont directly correspond to JLPT levels, but theyre extra useful because they help split the kanji characters into digestible chunks, rather than compiling them into one, giant list. Users split into free, paid, and burned represent single stages Track personal... Will have a better experience on a Desktop/Laptop the website, youve it! Feature related to the initial loading time JLPT/Joyo/Frequencywas a nice touch initial loading time creating... Bunpro are also included but I would not consider them feature complete memrise a. Stats is a Japanese radicals, kanji, and Correct Answers WaniKani subscription extremely dedicated daily... 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