10 terms. 28 terms. In her efforts to make James a man, Octavia apparently believes that she has only her own behavior and attitude toward life to offer as a model. Ernest Gaines has written a non-fictional story that has three major characters apart from him as the narrator. Publication date 1979 Topics Feature films, Feature films, Short Stories., Blacks. Author Biography Unfortunately, I was born too late to believe in your God. While James and his mother would certainly have had an easier day if they had had enough money to own a carto drive to the dentists office, to perhaps stop and do some shopping and have lunch on the way, perhaps even to see Dr. Robillard instead of Dr. Bassettthe simple fact remains that to do so, they would have had to be not only financially comfortable, but also white. The story occurs on a cold winter day in Louisiana, whose gray sky suggests the lack of hope for many African Americans. Can I get a job tomorrow? Although he claims to have a solution for the black community, he refuses to consider its level of comprehension. Introduction 4, June, 1976, pp. Four of his works were made into television movies. I went for a walk on a winter's day. It is in probing the underlying community attitudes, values, and beliefs to discover the way in which they determine what an individual will or has become that Gaines gives poignancy to the pieces in his short-story collection Bloodline. Alnests wife, Helena is the storys other sympathetic white figure. It is also possible to rent "The Sky Is Gray" on Vudu, Amazon Video online and to download it on Amazon Video, Vudu. Their meal finished, James and his mother thank the woman for her hospitality. Taking what she hasher pride and her povertyshe moves toward her goal of inculcating in James a sense of independence and dignity in self undeterred by offers of kindness and generosity. Because his fiction focuses on the peculiar plight of black Americans in the South, Gaines must consider an additional level of significancethe strong communal bonds characteristic of Southern black folk culture. Because James is suffering a toothache, symbolic of the festering wounds of racism, he and his mother take the bus into Bayonne to see a dentist. The action in "The Sky is Gray" is broken up into thirteen short sections which describe a half day or so in the life of James, an eight-year-old black boy in the rural South of the late 1930s. This did not go unnoticed in the United States, particularly among black leaders who read with interest books like Jomo Kenyattas Facing Mount Kenya. have chosen to tell the story from a number of different perspectives. Awesome read. In Ernest J. Gaines "The Sky Is Gray", Octavia finds out the hard way. Sources Because James is suffering a toothache, symbolic of the festering wounds of racism, he and his mother take the bus into Bayonne to see a dentist. The argument between the men focuses on the existence of God. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. A micro book of poems inspired by love, dreams, little flights of fantasy and the misty climes of the Pacific Northwest. The Sky is Gray is told entirely from the point of view of the eight-year old narrator, James. The overarching theme in this story is change and transformation. Burke, William. On the other hand, the student maintains a defensible position, but his egotistical stance exposes his feelings of alienation from his community. But the American consciousness was jolted away from these events by Kennedys assassination on November 22, 1963, and by events abroad, principal among these being the escalation of what would become the Viet Nam war. She say thats weakness and crybaby stuff. Time and time again, the black youth must simply take itmust see the advantages of the whites or the sufferings of himself and other blackswhile saying nothing and offering no complaints. The conflict in these two stories further illustrates the importance of the changes taking place within Southern black culture to the development of the social consciousness of children. This poor, Negro boy, James, lives with his mother and five other relatives while his father is away. Theirs is an odyssey or journey that encompasses the major dilemmas blacks faced in this eraincluding a debate between a black preacher who embraces the Christian doctrine of suffering and acceptance and an angry young black man who advocates questioning and action. Investigate the relationship between the Civil Rights movement in America and the anti-Apartheid movement in Africa. Characters The distinction his mother makes between men and bums is both subtle and significant: bums pull their coat collars up, while men dont. . 23 Feb. 2023 . . Dollar and a half to have it pulled. Ernest J. Gaines is best known for his third novel, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (1971), which recounts her latter-day observations of living in a racially torn Louisiana through the century between the War between the States and the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Why does he later say that grass is black? In thematic terms, two of the most important sections in the storysections seven and eightexplore the relationship between God, religion, knowledge, and ignorance. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. The title of the story "The Sky is Gray" by Ernest Gaines is ironic. In such a cultural climate, the spiritual and emotional well-being of both the community and the individual is threatened. 01 Mar 2023 12:32:41 (WMG owns this not me)(Lyrics)All the leaves are brown and the sky is greyI've been for a walk on a winters dayI'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.Californi. What exemplifies the American national narrative in the story "The Sky is Gray" by Ernest J. Gaines? $18.75 + $3.99 shipping. Ivan Turgenevs The District Doctor. Gaines himself cites Ivan Turgenev as one of his more important literary sources, saying that he learned form from Turgenev. Conversations with Ernest Gaines, Mississippi: Mississippi University Press, 1995. Mother and sons odyssey through the dangers and pitfalls of poverty and racism also includes encounters with two kinds of whites: the dentists receptionist, who delays their appointment and then locks them out in the cold, and a woman and her invalid husband, who invite them into their store, offer them a hot meal (in exchange for work, at Octavias proud insistence), and phone the dentist to make sure he takes care of Jamess toothache. At the end of the story, although the sky is still gray, readers sense hope for James with the lessons he has learned from good people, black and white, but from no one more than his strong and principled mother. The sky is gray. From henceforth, Jamess own long day will be comprised of this struggle between black blood and white blood within a cerebral sky of graya terrifying and chilling confrontation with ones own senses and sensibilities. Consider, for example, the contradiction in Babbs representation of Octavia as on the one hand trying to keep James from the cold while adher[ing] to strict rules of racial separation, but on the other being enabled by her dissembling to keep him warm without compromising her dignity. Exactly what is keeping James cold, one wondersstrict rules of racial separation, or Octavias uncompromised dignity? Observing his mother manipulate their environment moves James closer to what will be his particular entry into manhood, the psychic freedom that comes from emotional self-mastery. Here, hiding her true feelings and motives, she makes use of the technique of masking and teaches her son a valuable lesson in pride and survival. "- [] And as long as you listen to what your heart tells you, you will have only what the white man gives you and nothing more. While many argue that the difference between races is less substantive than the difference between the classes, class inequality clearly takes a back seat to racial inequality in Gainess fiction. She offers them food, but though James is hungry, his mother will not accept any charity, so Helena has James move some empty trash cans to the street as a face-saving gesture for his mother. Though the events in this story take place well before what is commonly called the Civil Rights era, one cannot read The Sky is Gray without a keen awareness that the writer is writing at the historical moment during which the Civil Rights movement exploded onto the national stage and that, surprisingly, given this context, the story somehow manages to describe but not to overplay the protagonists suffering in terms of prejudice and inequality. In 1968, the same year that Gainess Bloodline was published, Reverend Martin Luther King himself was assassinated in a Memphis hotel. . His father is deployed to fight in World War II, so his mother; Octavia is forced to take . I think the message it sends about how people treat each other is important. Not wanting to be a crybaby and knowing well that his mother cannot afford a trip to the dentist, James recalls his efforts to disguise his pain from the rest of his family. After graduating from high school, Gaines attended Vallejo Junior College, did a stint in the Army, and then returned to the Bay Area to take a degree from San Francisco State College (now San Francisco State University). James also lets it be known that "the sky is gray" and that there isn't much grass. Through the stories of the many fascinating people who touch Jane's life, Gaines presents not only a moving perspective on the struggles of African Americans but also a social history of the United States since the Civil War. Gaines, Ernest J. And since his stories are set in the past, his African-American characters appear subservient and are not placed in the revolutionary poses favored by some of Gainess contemporaries such as James Baldwin, Ishmael Reed, John O. Killins, John Wideman, or David Bradley., In sum, while Gaines may not have had the wide recognition of other African-American writers early in his career, there is a broad critical consensus that he is an important writer, a good writer, and a writer who has perhaps been undervalued and may continue to gain increasing recognition in the years to come, in part because he was somewhat overshadowed by his contemporaries during his early years, in part because of the increasing importance of studies of masculinity in the literary canon. The sky is gray, the clouds are low and the dark waves are hiding their power under a more neutral appearance. Octavia shows the characteristics of a good parent by being stern, loving, and independent. Ernest James Gaines (January 15, 1933 - November 5, 2019) was an American author whose works have been taught in college classrooms and translated into many languages, including French, Spanish, German, Russian and Chinese. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. Author Biography Kept completely offstage except for his terrifying effect on Little John Lee, who screams bloody murder on receipt of his dental ministrations, Dr. Basset exists in the narrative not for what he is, but for what he isntDr. . Cane, c. 1917 But this much is clear. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. You a man. While this is the nature of Octavias world, it does not completely define the contours of the world with which James must come to terms. A young boy named James comes of age in 1940s Louisiana and grapples with what it means to be black during a time of racism and poverty. But Im not supposed to do that. Plot Summary He looks at two contrasting ideas, the African/aural rootsthe idea that African Americans express themselves through their music and aural interpretationsand their American/visual reorientationthe idea that America is a country of visual stimulations, that as Emerson said the eye is final.. Put another way, if Gainess stories were set in the India of 1946, two years before partition, if the primary groups described were Muslim and Hindu, rather than black and white, would the stories still merit reading? The importance of this distinction is difficult to overstate: it is nothing less than the difference between a story about people living in perpetual victimhood, on one hand, or a story about a mother trying to teach her son what it will take to become the sort of man she will respect, on the other. Moreover, while an adult may be judged on the basis of his or her thoughts and actions, a child is still too completely a product of his or her parents to evaluate as an independent being. To project an image of invulnerability for James, she alienates herself from the community and deals with her world on an individualistic level. These days, we know how to bring summer closer.<br><br>A plate of hot cherries, juicy, smelling berries, here it is summer on ! The Sky Is Gray Thank you for downloading The Sky Is Gray . As the argument between the student and minister in the dentists office clearly illustrates, there is a racial dimension present in the story. But what the narrative loses from one hand it gains in the other. Gravel crunches under the tires of the Rolls Royce as it trundles up the country road. Ill take coke, or Ill use any kind of profanity, I dont give a damn. On the other side are the preacher and the other woman the young man speaks to after the preacher departs. Babb would have Octavia read as a woman whose prideful dissembling and technique of masking, whatever that entails, are the necessary consequence of living in a dangerous world in which the whim of any white is empowered to affect their destiny. But this is a significant, even inexcusable oversimplification of Octavias motivations. Later, the whole family is at hand when Octavia and Jamess aunt count out the cost of a trip to the dentist: She say: enough to get there and get back. The first thing that James learns is to rein in his potential visualityto accept verbal blinders for his eyes: Mama tells me to keep my eyes in front where they belong (italics mine). And when, at the storys conclusion, his mother pronounces him a man, the reader who has been inside Jamess subjective world can take measure of both how far he still is from manhood and of what he has learned from the lessons meant to take him the rest of the way there. What exemplifies the American national narrative in the story "The Sky is Gray" by Ernest J. Gaines? All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown) And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray) I've been for a walk (I've been for a walk) On a winter's day (on a winter's day) I'd be safe and warm (I'd be safe and warm) If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.) California dreamin' (California dreamin') Jamess mother opens the door to exit, but turns and asks for twenty-five cents worth of salt meat. Though it is indeed difficult, particularly for Americans, to step far enough back from the late 20th century American present to see the world Gaines describes with the same dispassionate clarity as one might see the Ireland, India, or South Africa that Joyce, Rushdie, and Coetzee respectively describe, nothing is lostand much is gainedif one makes the effort. And by the end of the story, the reader does indeed sense that there has been some change to who James is in that short span, a sense reinforced by his mothers assertion that he is not a bum, but a man. Although her relationship with this absent husband is only briefly mentioned, one senses in her attitude and behavior that his departure left her vulnerable. As they wait, his mother thinks about homeabout his aunt, the other children, the farm animals and the weatherthe narrative follows Jamess thoughts back to the origins of his toothache. The reader only sees a small part of this process, a few hours one . Print. missing from the current crop of responses to Gaines is a moral reading, one that doesnt look for causes and effects in a two-dimensional equation of character and color, but rather, in the quality of the characters thoughts and actions, regarding the characters not as caricatures of different types, but as fully formed people with their ownto borrow a phrase from Joyceindividuating rhythms. If Gaines is indeed an imaginative writer of canonical status, his works will reward such readings. ''The Sky is Gray'' is fundamentally a story about the process of coming of age, of going from one state to another. Supporting these ideas is Gainess keen awareness of the all-pervasive and profoundly formative influence of race on virtually every aspect of life in the rural South of this era. The story begins with James and his mother waiting, on a painfully cold morning, for the arrival of a bus which will take them to nearby Bayonne. Robillard, the good dentist who takes care of the teeth of Bayonnes whites. The Sky is Gray. Last Updated on May 5, 2015, by eNotes Editorial. Where The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman gives us a grand, sweeping epic of a black woman and her slave community, "The Sky Is Gray" zeroes in on a moment in time, one crucial afternoon in a black child's development. It is through these kinds of moderating forces in James environment that Gaines sees his salvation. I've got a real bad feeling. It is a testimony to Gaines's skill as a writer and storyteller that many people believe Jane Pittman was a real person. Regardless of the scope, however, Gaines . - "The Sky is Gray" 9 terms. My heart tells me, the boy says. As a result, she has made protecting James from becoming vulnerable her primary goal in life. In the following essay, Roberts looks at the communal bonds found in Southern black communites, especially those as described by Gaines in The Sky is Gray. Along with this, he describes the dangers inherent in a community where tradition and change interact. When aspirin fails to work, Auntie wants to tell Jamess mother; James convinces her not to, so they turn instead to a neighbor, Monsieur Bayonne, for a prayer cure. Gaines's prose is stark, spare, unrelenting in its precision and honesty. Bryant, Jerry H. Politics and the Black Novel, in The Nation, Vol. The Sky Is Gray Watch Online Streaming 123Movie. Edited by Eugene Current-Garca and Bert Hitchcock. The Sky Is Gray W. W. Norton & Company "Race and Repast: Foodscapes in Twentieth-Century Southern Literature examines how race relations are expressed through struggles over the meaning of food and access to food in Southern literature. His publication record is not extensive, but his works have been well received. If one reverts to the easiest sort of race-based reading, one will invariably decide to read the story as one about victimhood. Currently you are able to watch "The Sky Is Gray" streaming on Hoopla, Fandor Amazon Channel or for free with ads on Tubi TV, Crackle. Action is the only thing. Themes Me, I dont listen to my heart. How? This time the trial is so severe that the verbal command is ineffectual: Mama tells me keep my eyes in front where they belong, but I cant helpfrom seeing (italics mine). The black student demands hypervisuality Show me one reason to believe in the existence of a God (italics mine)while at the same time demanding a reinterrogation of is verbality: What do words like Freedom, Liberty, God, White, Colored mean? (italics mine). 28 terms. That work, like the five stories constituting Bloodline (1968) before it . In the introduction to Ernest Gaines, Valerie Babbs biography of Gaines through the lens of his work, Babb writes, taken as a whole, Gainess canon represents a blending of Louisiana, African-American, and universal human experience. While the action of the stories revolves around, The gray of the sky which hangs threateningly over the action of the story symbolizes the dangers inherent in the extremes which James must reconcile.. The dangers that her approach poses to James are dramatically illustrated in the argument between a minister and a student in the dentists office, the scene of much of the action. but should you say the sky is gray well, it still looks blue to me i know the road is light and i've known this all along but should you say the sky is gray then i won't say that you're wrong [chorus] because today, i love everybody everybody i see today, i think that all folks are great and everybody here loves me ooh, today, i'd give . Contrary to what Octavia would have him believe, the choices that James must eventually make about the quality of his existence should not be between bum and man, or between adhering to the dictates of the head or heart as advocated by the student and the minister respectively. In the short story The Sky is Gray, Ernest J. Gaines shows the struggles, inflicted by poverty, in an eight-year-old boys life. The Sky Is Gray. Hills Like White Elephants. Octavias skepticism and self-imposed isolation place her in a similarly antagonistic stance toward the community. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Ernest Gaines story, The Sky Is Grey, is a heartfelt story about James, a black youth living in Louisiana during the Second World War. Source: William E. H. Meyer, Jr., Ernest J. Gaines and the Black Childs Sensory Dilemma, in College Language Association Journal, Vol.34, No. Like the narrator in Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man, the student is profoundly alienated from his community. This is particularly useful in a story limited by the narrative point of view to the description of a young persons inner life. Short Stories for Students. In 1964, for example, Zanzibar and Tanganyika came together to form Tanzania, expelling a sultinate, while Zambia was formed out of Northern Rhodesias ashes by Kenneth Kaunda the same year that Kenya became a republic under Jomo Kenyatta. Criticism Shortly thereafter the nurse enters the room and announces that the doctor will not treat anyone until one oclock. Ernest J. Gaines was born on River Lake Plantation in Oscar, a hamlet of Pointe Coupee Parish in rural Louisiana. Young James (8 years old) mind is weighted down with guilt knowing his tooth has a big effect on the familythey might not be able to feed the family because of his tooth. Ernest J. Gaines was thirty in 1963, the year in which "The Sky is Gray" was first published, but it was not until five years later, in 1968, that the story was published as the second story in Bloodline, the thematically interwoven collection with which readers associate it today. Awesome bookit wraps within the narrative so many layers of the black's struggle in America, their historymakes the reader think and feel for the characters, as such engaged with their livesgave me goosebumps!! (55) 7.4 46min 1980 13+. My heart tells me. Sure, My heart tells me. And as long as you listen to what your heart tells you, you will have only what the white man gives you and nothing more. whatever their motivation may be, their small generosity will only be accepted as kindness, not as charity. 545-58. By recording and preserving his peoples culture in his literature, Gaines creates both an ongoing memorial to a vanishing way of life and an enduring testament to human concerns., Marcia Gaudet and Carl Wooton share many of Babbs observations, particularly with regard to the importance of dignity under strain and courage. But if one decides to read the story as a more complex critique, not of racial relations, but of the valueand the costof dignity, one sees that even as an eight-year-old James understands her, Octavia is an interesting, fully-realized character. Gaines writings about Louisiana have been understood and responded to largely as writings about race. Houston Community College English 1301 Professor Hinchen-Bryan "The Sky is Gray" Discussion Questions Directions: Type your answer to the following questions on this sheet in a different color and submit it canvas by Saturday, October 30, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. 1. The Sky Is Gray: Directed by Stan Lathan. Criticism The effect of the storys episodic discontinuity is to emphasize the particular moment James is living, whether he is reliving a memory or moving through present events, while de-emphasizing the storys overarching structure. In one instance Octavia enters a white-owned hardware store and pretends to inspect ax handles for purchase while James heats himself at the wood stove. Less clear, because less attention has been paid to this question, is how much is left when race is left out or made irrelevant to the readers. Furthermore, the story implies that the community can continue to provide the individual with emotional support in his efforts to fulfill his individual needs. While gray literally represents the harmonious blending of black and white, its use in the story to describe the sky before a brewing storm symbolizes a potentially destructive force. Though her family is clearly poor, it is evident that they have learned to function within the constraints of their poverty. Gates, Henry L, and Nellie Y. McKay. Lord, have mercy (italics mine). Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. The Sky Is Gray Analysis. Like James and Jamess mother, the source for Jamess aunt is drawn from Gainess own experience, modeled after his own great aunt, Augustine Jefferson. "The Sky is Gray" refers to the literal winter scene in which the story takes place. ostreet9 Plus. As the day progresses, James shows us events from the past--from the time his mother whipped him because he could not kill . Although the point is never explicitly stated, it is apparent that Octavia finds the values of her community inadequate to make James the kind of man that she feels he must become. Short Stories for Students. One means nothing more than the other. They briefly duck into a hardware store to warm up, but must soon leave. It suggests at first the bleak mood of the story but also hints at hope in the future. Human existence does not lend itself to such neat categorizing. Powerfully told with a convincing use of African-American dialect and dialogue, the story features nine-year-old James and the lessons he learns from his mother, Octavia, and others. Consequently, the reader is limited to what James observes and understands. . -1 Likes, 13 Comments - Stephanie Wise (@girlversusdough) on Instagram: "It's literally pouring rain today on top of the 3+ feet of snow we had piled up and the sky is gray" Set during a time of segregation and racial inequality, the story explores themes of poverty, family, identity, and the . The Sky Is Gray by Ernest J. Gaines is a poignant and thought-provoking short story about a young African American boy named James, who lives in rural Louisiana with his mother and grandmother during the mid-20th century. In The Sky is Gray, the goal is not exactly reached. What might be complex, three-dimensional people with equally complex motivations threaten to become two-dimensional caricatures with obscure, even uninteresting motivations when seen through the eyes of a child. Only now, in the narrative present, as an almost eight year-old boy, can James understand why she forced him to do this. The greatest advantage of an episodic form is that it allows the author to follow the protagonist, or main character, from one important event to another without recording all the unimportant events in between. Jamess mother Octavia is a strong, proud, uncompromising woman largely based on Gainess own mother. James, the narrator in Ernest Gaines' "The Sky is Gray" is an eight-year-old African American male who is still a child but being the oldest male in the household he faces more responsibility than a normal young boy would. Introduction The blacks then leave the store under the kindly but acute genius in America, with tyrannous eye: James recounts how shes still there watching us (italics mine). With Olivia Cole, James Bond III, Margaret Avery, Cleavon Little. 3, Fall, 1984, pp. Rather than reading a good book with a cup of coffee in the afternoon, instead they cope with some harmful bugs inside their computer. , I dont listen to my heart will only be accepted as kindness, not as.... Dont give a damn Mississippi: Mississippi University Press, 1995 by the narrative of! To refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list the room and announces that the will... Will invariably decide to read the story but also hints at hope in the.... Margaret Avery, Cleavon little national narrative in the story & quot ; refers to description. Maintains a defensible position, but his egotistical stance exposes his feelings of alienation from his community each. 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