i. ), Tosefta (Sheviis Ch. Fascinatingly, alongside Moshe who is not really mentioned by the Haggadah, there is another great Biblical personality who plays a major role in the Haggadah, but who is likewise overlooked. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. The remaining days in between are known as Chol Hamoed-weekday of the festival. Although many Chol-Hamoed activities involve various melachos these activities are nevertheless allowed since they are for the purpose of Simchas Yom-Tov enjoying the Chag. This Shabbat is the Shabbat which occurs during the festival of Unleavened Bread. (s.v. One who did not say Havdala on Motzei Yom Tov is to say Havdala the next day[11] [until sunset[12]], and is not to eat or drink anything, besides for water, until he does so. [18]It is important to note that receiving Mishloach Manos in Chutz Laaretz containing Kedushas Sheviis produce hosts an additional set of complications, including the prohibition of taking Shemitta produce out of Eretz Yisroel. @Yehoshua Googletranslate supplies "Turmeric". Sign up today. - mocdeg. ANSWER. 21: 5 and 6), Mishnas HaGrish (pg. Interestingly, there is no clear-cut solution to this Purim dilemma, and contemporary authorities are divided as to the proper halacha. 2: 13) and Tur, Shulchan Aruch andRema and main commentaries (O.C. In any real case one should ask a competent Halachic authority. However I don't have a makor. Work for public need is also allowed. [7] [Thus it follows the same Nussach as any Motzei Shabbos. 25:6-7) regarding to the Shemitta year, Vhaysa Shabbos Haaretz Lachem LachlaVlivhemtacha Vlechaya Asher Bartzecha Tihiyeh Kol Tevuasa Leechol - And the Resting of the Land should be for you to eat and for your domesticated animals and the wild animals in your fields, all the produce should be for consumption.. Get tickets here. If someone ordered something from a non-Jew before Yom-Tov and didnt specify that it should be made over the Chag, it is ok for the non-Jew to manufacture the item during the Chag. 17: 24).TheAruch Hashulchan (HaAsid, Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. On Motzei Yom Tov, whether it is Motzei Yom Tov to a weekday or Motzei Yom Tov to Chol Hamoed, one is required to recite Havdalah over a cup of wine just like on Motzei Shabbos. Prayer services that day combine some usual practices of Chol HaMoed with practices of both Yom Tov and the High Holy Days. 14 and 15); and more recently, R Sam Finkels fascinating, historical Rebels in the Holy Land], nowadays, the vast majority of contemporary Poskim [see, for example Chazon Ish (Sheviis, Ch. If ones hem becomes undone (or one needs to hem something for any other reason) one can do so in a non-professional manner (in a non-perfect manner). In more recent years this idea of Rabeinu Tam has been suggested again, but the fact that Rabbeinu Tam already said it and was rejected and ignored doesn't seem to have been addressed. 4, Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. 04/21/2019 kashering; Question: Can I Kasher a clean but not new portable electric stovetop on chol hamoed Pesach? Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the . i. [4] In the event that no spice is available, then one is not obligated to search for a spice and is to skip the section of Besamim in Havdalah. 83), Dinei Sheviis Hashalem (Ch. Rav Nosson Gestetner maintained a novel, yet in-between approach. You will own on Pesach even if not yet in your possession. Tweet on Twitter . We all know that this distinctive Purim Mitzvah[8] serves to foster achdus vrayus, unity and camaraderie. We do not write on Chol Hamoed any documents or similar types of papers. And, obviously too, there will also be a Shabbat Chol HaMoed - Sukkoth because Sukkoth is also celebrated for 7 days. Prayers. Someone asked if the same would apply by Motzei Shabbos Chol HaMoed. 8:2), and duly codified as halacha,[2] Kedushas Sheviis produce is not only permitted to be eaten, it is even allowed to be utilized in whichever manner the owner deems it necessary: drinking, anointing, dyeing, and even lighting. The Tur in Orach Chaim 531 quotes Rabbeinu Tam who opines that one who shaved before the moed may shave on chol hamoed as well. 2: 1), Mishmeres HaSheviis (Ch. Wednesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [8th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: How to write name of person with gentile father on Kesuba, Summary Hilchos Purim-Part 3-Mishloach Manos & Matanos Laevyonim, Tuesday-Daily Chitas [Chumash, Tanya] & Rambam Summaries [7th Adar 5783], From the Ravs Desk: Drinking a glass of water from a hotel lobby with a lemon slice on top. Totally . The recital of the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy serve as the key to gaining the compassion of G-d toward the Hebrews/Jewish people. [153] [One says the blessing of Leisheiv Basukkah after Havdalah prior to drinking from the wine.]. One may go to work if otherwise one would lose ones job. 8, pg. Aqua Kef. Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive guide, rather a brief summary to raise awareness of the issues. The default work prohibition includes the 39 forms of forbidden work. Perhaps then in truth there are many levels of an extra soul, and on Shabbos one receives a higher level than on Yom Tov. language. 1 [Whenever a weeknight] follows a festival - whether it is the night between a festival and an ordinary weekday or whether it is the night between a festival and Chol HaMoed - [the passage constituting] Havdalah [in the Shemoneh Esreh], i.e., Atah chonantanu, must be recited in the blessing Chonein hadaas as on [an ordinary] Saturday night.1 This name is used universally, and is to be construed as "the Sabbath of, Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chol_HaMoed&oldid=1119613331, According to Ashkenazi custom, reading of, Maimonides discusses Chol HaMoed towards the end of, This page was last edited on 2 November 2022, at 14:02. 8: 4); Yerushalmi (Sheviis Ch. 25: 7), Rosh (Sheviis Ch. [4] Admur 297:3; See Piskeiy Teshuvos 216 footnote 28 and 297 footnote 38 which tries to learn in Admur in the Seder 11:9 that all fruits which are meant only for eating one is not to say a Bracha over smelling them. 31: 4), Shabbos Haaretz (Kuntress Acharon to seif 22), Shemitta Kehilchasah (Ch. [16]Some maintain that one may rely upon the halachically controversial method of circumventing Shemittah restrictions colloquially known as Hetter Mechira (selling Israeli land and its produce for the duration of the Shemittah year to non-Jews), as utilizing this would technically mean that the Israeli produce does not maintain Kedushas Sheviis status and may be sold, and hence gifted as usual. 5-7). [ibid], Other Opinions: Some Poskim rule based on Kabala that one is to always say Havdalah over wine rather than other beverages even if the beer is more beloved. [22]Since we know that the Zman Biur for grapes, and therefore wine as well, is Pesach of the eighth year, that means that anyone wanting to use Kedushas Sheviis wine on this upcoming Pesach must perform Biur on Erev Pesach on all of his Shemitta wine. 7: 6), Rambam (Hilchos Shemitta VYovel Ch. i. If one forgot to say Havdala on Motzei Rosh Hashanah and then remembered on Tzom Gedalia, what is he to do?[15]. The reference I gave was for smelling besamim on Yom Tov. 24: 56), and Shaarei Tzedek (Ch. Is there any correction to this? Obviously, no laundering should be done if the child has enough clothing to make it through Yom-Tov. This is an important issue to be aware of, and if on the receiving end of such Mishloach Manos, one must ascertain what to do from a knowledgeable halachic authority. Although it has a unique name, Hoshanah Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot, is part of Chol HaMoed. Yes. 9, Mishnah 8: 5), Rash (ad loc. Cellar 49 is equipped with a charming game room outfitted with antique billiards, pool, & foosball tables as well. They offer discounted tickets and packages to major Orlando attractions like Seaworld, . Any labor performed for the preparation of food - whether for oneself or for another - is permitted on Chol Hamoed Any form of non-strenuous work which would cause loss if not done at the time is permitted. The note 65 seems a little bit off. also has joy, but not to the same degree. This issue was featured in previous articles Shemitta Basics: Kedushas SheviisProduce and Using Arba Minim of Sheviis. As part of a fascinating discussion about keeping Shemittah on their farm, they described how Hetter Mechira is performed nowadays. 34, footnote 3) who posits that based on this and with all other factors being equal, it is preferable to eat a fruit containing Kedushas Sheviis than eating one that does not, especially if by choosing the other one, the holy fruit might not get eaten and possibly go to waste. Are they included in the personal use leniency? Chapter 1: Melacha on Chol Hamoed 1. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. All of the mareh makomos from the Nitei Gavriel seem waaayyy off. 76), Mishnas Yaavetz (Orach Chaim 80: 1 and 2), Shut Shevet Halevi (vol. What is the Rosh Yeshiva's position on ordering chameitz from Amazon/online grocery/etc. Of course, the Israeli Chief Rabbinate relies upon it as well for their basic hashgacha. However, that ruling may not sufficiently suffice for the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manos. [6] As explained in 296 [ibid; Vetzaruch Iyun as in 296 no mention of this is made. Pronunciation of chol hamoed pesach with 1 audio pronunciation and more for chol hamoed pesach. See also Shut Igros Moshe (Y.D. 12: 7), Chazon Ish (Shemitta 11: 6 and 7), and Shemitta Kehilchasah (Ch. May one use machine Matzah, Gebrochts and other non-Pesach products for the Eiruv Tavshilin of Pesach? [So also rules Piskeiy Teshuvos 299:10], [13] 299:8 regarding Havdala after Shabbos, and the same rule applies to Motzei Yom Tov. Meleches Umon professional work is forbidden on Chol-Hamoed. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Ticket smash for [status-review] tag: Part Deux, Preparing food on Shabbos for Bein Hashmoshos, Making a delayed havdallah from Motzei Shabbos on the night of Rosh HaShanah. Shimushei Mitzvah 3), and Yalkut Yosef (Sheviis, Ch. L'iluy Nishmas the Rosh HaYeshiva - Rav Chonoh Menachem Mendel ben R' Yechezkel Shraga, Rav Yaakov Yeshaya ben R' Boruch Yehuda. In rough paraphrase he says, that on Motzoei Shabbos Chol Hamoed one should take besamim that have been watched for Pesach or hadasim, but not to use cloves that are normally used on Motzoei Shabbos because there is a possibility of chametz with them. See Shorshei Minhag Ashkenaz volume 5. See Chapter 13 Halacha 11! 4: 232, 4; printed at the end of the sefer), who nevertheless maintain that one still fulfills a Mitzvah Kiyumis upon consuming Peiros Sheviis. 2: 6) dissented, allowing the spillage of Shemitta wine for Havdalah purposes, including extinguishing the candle in it. Question on Havdala on Chol Hamoed by Rabbi Chaim Tabasky. 9: 19 and 22), Rambam (Hilchos Megillah VChanuka Ch. [3]As delineated at length in previous articles titled Kedushas SheviisProduce and Making Havdalah with Shemitta Wine.. 344) and Minchas Asher (Sheviis, Tinyana 10), who conclude that the Chazon Ishs shittah is indeed correct in the Rambans opinion and there is no inherent Mitzvah incumbent upon us to eat Kedushas Sheviis produce. The Torah states (Vayikra Ch. See also 473:9], [7] The reason: As one is simply stating the order of Havdalos that are written in the Torah Bein Kodesh Lechol, Bein Or Lechoshech, Bein Yisrael Leamim etc. *Chol Hamoed Pesach*Rabbi Shmaryahu Weinberg_(Rav, Khal Chesed V'emes Bayswater)_*Today's Sparks Should be a zechus for all cholei yisroel and a zechus tha. 5, Tziyun Hahalacha 19), Bris Olam (Sheviis, Ch. 3: 132, 13). Chol HaMoed (Hebrew: ), a Hebrew phrase meaning "mundane of the festival", refers to the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot. [2] Admur 491:4; Havdalah is not recited either in prayer or over a cup of wine. One cannot have clothing tailored. one should then not work. 9: Mishnah 8) teaches us that one may still keep enough of that particular fruit for three meals worth for every member of the household. Rabbi Goldstein is the director of Shulchanaruchharav.com, the worlds leading web-based Halacha database, and is the director of the Home Study Semicha Program, a self-study web-based Semicha program. Tweet on Twitter . Is Havdalah said at start of Chol Hamoed? Does Chol HaMoed have a similar "simcha" at all like Yom Tov to say that one wouldn't need besamim. Download a printable version of all of the Passover Kiddush blessings. However, to properly understand the issues involved, some background is necessary. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Practically speaking, as long as one sticks to the guidelines of not ruining the holy wine,[6] as well as avoiding any other Shemitta-related concerns, it would be permissible to use Shemitta wine for these Mitzvos, and according to several contemporary Poskim, including Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and his son-in-law, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, actually preferential for such Mitzvah use.[7]. not just those needed immediately) on Chol Hamoed. See also Kovetz MBeis Levi (vol. (Sukka 40a and Bava Kamma 102a), According to the Mishnah (Sheviis Ch. Sunday - Chol HaMoed Pesach 8:00 a.m. Shacharis 6:56 p.m. Candlelighting for Yom Tov (without Shehecheyanu) 7:05 p.m. Mincha 7:43 p.m. Maariv All night learning begins after Seudas Yom Tov, in the Raices home, 3534 Arcadia Monday - Seventh Day of Pesach 9:00 a.m. Shacharis 7:05 p.m. Mincha 7:50 p.m. Maariv As the name implies, these days mix features of "chol" (mundane) and "moed" (festival). As this restriction includes paying a debt, these authorities hold that one may not send Mishloach Manos with Shemitta produce. It is also worthwhile to see Rav Meir Mazuz, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim of Bnei Braks impassioned defense of Hetter Mechira nowadays (printed in Techumin vol. Certainly while fulfilling one Mitzvah, one would not want to Chas Vshalom be the cause of anothers transgression. Regular gardening (not for eating, but rather for esthetic purposes) is only permitted if the plants would otherwise die. If you are already a member and have forgotten your login information, please, Want no popups? 4: 53, pg. pri), and Shut Minchas Shlomo (Tinyana 123: 10 and vol. Although there is no clear consensus on the matter, there are several principal perspectives. He is a world renowned Posek, answering questions to a web-based market, and serves as a local Posek, Rav, and Lecturer, in the Tzemach Tzedek community Shul in Tzefas, Israel. In particular, the usual restrictions on work apply fully, as on any other Sabbath. One should not, however, develop film on Chol Hamoed (Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita). Rabbi Yaakov Goldstein is a 6th generation descendent of the famous Chief Rabbi of Izhmir, Rav Yehoshua Avraham Krispin, who authored a number of Sefarim, and was a colleague of Rav Chaim Falagi, and father in-law of the Pesach Hadvir. [5], _____________________________________________, [1] See Nitei Gavriel 11:17-18; Piskeiy Teshuvos 467:10, [2] Nitei Gavriel 11:17; Piskeiy Teshuvos 467:10; Regarding cloves see Admur 467:21; MA 467:10; MB 467:33; Kitzur SHUA 117:4; Regarding cinnamon see : See Sdei Chemed ibid; Orchos Chaim 467 in name of Meorei Or; Sefer Haminhagim p. 76, Is there truly a prohibition to smell spices that may contain a mixture of Chametz? The principal customs of the respective festivals continue throughout the festival: Ya'aleh v'Yavo is added to the Amidah and Birkat HaMazon on these days. Beer : [1] It is accustomed to be lenient to make Havdalah over beer on Motzei Pesach even if one has much wine at home available. Haftorahman: Haftarah for Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach Reuben Ebrahimoff April 21, 2011 Download Audio file Haftorahman brings you a shiur on this Shabbat's Haftarah from the Book of Prophets, explaining it in a dynamic and exciting way, making learning the Haftorah a fun and enlightening experience each and every week. Laundering. Shabbat which is yom tov, no besamim are used since the bessamim This also applies motzaei first day yom tov that falls on shabbos, not just shabbos chol hamoed. All the things that are allowed because of Davar Haaved on Chol Hamoed should be done by a Non-Jew whenever possible. 2: 15), Tur and Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 695: 4) and relevant commentaries. 3, 158: 4; and Shulchan Shlomo on Sheviis, end sec. Therefore the master list has two parts, those open for . 3: 17), andMishpetei Aretz (Sheviis, 20: 2). If, however, the loss of salary will cause severe consequences one can then work. [Shaar Hakolel 17:22; Likkutei Sichos 31 Ki Sisa] However the Rebbe in Likkutei Sichos 31 Ki Sisa footnote 15 explains that based on Nigleh there is no extra soul at all on Yom Tov, and it is only based on Kabala that there is an extra soul, hence Admur wrote in his Shulchan Aruch, which follows the rulings of Nigleh, that there is no extra soul at all. Hamoed ( Rav Yisroel Belsky Shlita ) same Nussach as any Motzei Chol... As part of a fascinating discussion about keeping Shemittah on their farm, they described Hetter... ] serves to foster achdus vrayus, unity and camaraderie prohibition includes the 39 forms forbidden!, however, the loss of salary will cause severe consequences one Can then work this URL your! A clean but not to the same degree Sukkoth because Sukkoth is also celebrated for 7.. Tov and the High Holy days Shabbat is the Rosh Yeshiva & # x27 ; position! 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