Who is Vulnerable to Violence in Honduras? International observers acknowledged some of these irregularities but reported they were not systematic and not widespread enough to affect the outcome of the presidential election. -threat location for terrorism directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. Civil society groups reported that women often did not report domestic violence or withdrew charges because they feared, or were economically dependent on, the aggressor. Only sealed commercial water containers (bottles) are considered safe to drink. Official data on forced internal displacement, especially displacement due to violence, was limited in part because gangs controlled many of the neighborhoods that were sources of internal displacement (see section 6, Displaced Children). Under the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework, with significant support from the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the government continued to build capacity to provide services to vulnerable populations, including IDPs, those at risk of forced displacement, refugees, and returned migrants. In September police arrested Denis Abel Ordonez, Michael Andre Mejia, and Walter Antonio Matute Raudales in connection with her murder. Child, Early, and Forced Marriage: The minimum legal age of marriage for both boys and girls is 18. While Honduras is not seeing the political armed conflict common in most Watchlist countries this year, criminal gang violence is In-country Movement: There were areas where authorities could not assure freedom of movement because of criminal activity and a lack of significant government presence. Vasquez was the leader of the Union of Field Workers, a member of the Lenca community, an environmental activist, and a LIBRE Party candidate for Congress. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this reports publication assesses Honduras at Level 3, indicating travelers should reconsider travel due tocrime. Authorities did not generally segregate those with tuberculosis or other infectious diseases from the general prison population; as of September the National Prison Institute reported 106 prisoners had been treated for tuberculosis. These crimes may have been the result of tips from sources surveilling the airport arrival area. Major cities connect via an inconsistently maintained, two-lane system of paved roads, with many unpaved secondary roads. Contact OSACs, https://www.facebook.com/embajadahonduras/, https://hn.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/spsca/, External links to other internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein, Travel Advisory: Honduras - Level 3 (Reconsider Travel), Central America Natural Disaster Emergency Planning: OSAC Guidance and Resources. -threat location for political violence directed at or affecting official U.S. government interests. There are claims of widespread corruption in land sales, deed filing, and dispute resolution, including claims against attorneys, real estate companies, judges, and local officials. Seek legal representation before admitting or signing any legal form that acknowledges culpability. Media noted that family members often faced long delays or were unable to visit detainees. There is no statutory rape law, but the penalty for rape of a minor younger than 14 is 12 to 17 years in prison, or nine to 13 years in prison if the victim is 14 or older. honduras crime and safety report 2021. The Office of the Inspector General of the Armed Forces and the Humanitarian Law Directorate investigated abuses by the military. Download the State Departments Crime Victims Assistance brochure. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated. While there are no areas in major urban cities free of violent crime, notably dangerous locations in Tegucigalpa include the areas surrounding Suyapa Cathedral, downtown Comayagela, downtown Tegucigalpa, and neighborhoods in the outskirts of the city that are generally controlled by gangs. otherwise distributing OSAC-derived information in a manner inconsistent with this policy may result in the discontinuation of OSAC support. Discrimination occurs against ethnic minorities and the LGBTI+ community. The STSS may levy a fine against companies that fail to pay social security obligations, but the amount was not sufficient to deter violations. Although Honduras has made some progress, many perceive the property registration system as unreliable and a constraint on investment, particularly in the Bay Islands. La Ceiba, Trujillo) and major hotels; other tourist installations have increased private and police security. See the Department of States Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/International-Parental-Child-Abduction/for-providers/legal-reports-and-data/reported-cases.html. The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court. 19 ianuarie 2023 Posted by distributism vs mutualism; Review OSACs reports, Road Safety Abroad, Driving Overseas: Best Practices, and Evasive Driving Techniques; and read the State Departments webpage on driving and road safety abroad. Honduras is a constitutional, multiparty republic. Counterfeit U.S. currency is also common. On October 7, the National Congress increased penalties for forced labor under the trafficking-in-persons article of the penal code from five to eight years imprisonment to 10 to 15 years, bringing the penalties in line with the penalties for other analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping. Nonetheless, many prisoners remained in custody after completing their full sentences, and sometimes even after an acquittal, because officials failed to process their releases expeditiously. Marco Bogran, former director of INVEST-H, the Honduran government entity tasked with providing coronavirus pandemic relief contracts to private firms, remained in pretrial detention awaiting his next court appearance, scheduled for January 31, 2022. According to the Honduran Commission for Human Rights (Conadeh), 75 people died in attacks against the public transport service in Honduras between January and July 2019. Members of the LGBTI+ community have reported violent assaults because of gender identity and sexual orientation. The law prohibits employers from requiring pregnancy tests as a prerequisite for employment; penalties were not sufficient to deter violations. The law prohibits night work and overtime for minors younger than 18, but the STSS may grant special permission for minors between the ages of 16 to 18 to work in the evening if such employment does not adversely affect their education. Most crime victims are members of rival gangs, small business owners who resist gang extortion, passengers on public transportation, or those involved in land tenure disputes. Fines for child labor were not sufficient to deter violations and not commensurate with penalties for other analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping. Review the State Departments webpage on insurance overseas. Except in some very rural locations, police are aware of a U.S. citizen detainee's right to contact the Embassy. Download the State Departments Crime Victims Assistance, For fire and public safety emergencies, dial. The Secretariat of Human Rights provided training to security forces to reinforce respect for human rights. NGOs have reported anonymous attacks via social media, alleging that civil society actors are engaged in, or supportive of, criminal activity in Honduras. Would you like to continue with this session or log out? Several anonymous social media sites, possibly linked to political parties, criticized journalists (as well as activists and civil society organizations) who were critical of the government or opposition party policies. Vehicles often drive at night without adequate lighting. Review OSACs report, Surviving a Protest. In addition, a lack of implementing regulations leads to long delays in the awarding of titles in some regions. The government has also begun implementing a series of police reforms; it has formed groups such as the National Inter-Agency Security Task Force (FUSINA) and the National Anti-Gang Task Force (FNAMP) to combat crime. The Secretariat of Human Rights reported three prisoner deaths due to COVID-19 through September. Women Honduras has the fifth-highest rate of violence against women in the world. Corruption along with a lack of investigative resources and judicial delays led to widespread impunity, including in security forces. Recent Elections: In November Xiomara Castro of the LIBRE Party won a four-year presidential term in elections that were generally considered free, fair, and transparent. WebHome; Products. The government generally respected these provisions. The law requires prisoners to work at least five hours a day, six days a week. Sexual Harassment: The law criminalizes sexual harassment, including in employment. On May 30, protesters blocked several main avenues in Tegucigalpa, including access to Toncontn International Airport (TGU). For more in-depth information, review OSACs Slovakia country Overseas Security Advisory Council The government lacks resources to investigate and prosecute cases; police often lack vehicles/fuel to respond to calls for assistance. Victims were primarily impoverished individuals in both rural and urban areas (see section 7.c.). Review OSACs reports, The CDC offers additional information on vaccines and health guidance for, The Honduras Country Council generally meets monthly on a rotating basis in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula and has approximately 70 members. As of September the Secretariat of Human Rights reported the countrys pretrial detention center held 33 individuals. Physical Conditions: Prisoners suffered from severe overcrowding, malnutrition, lack of adequate sanitation and medical care, and, in some prisons, lack of adequate ventilation and lighting. Child Abuse: Child abuse remained a serious problem. Even when traffic signals are working, drivers often ignore them. WebReceived a complaint about honduras crime and safety report 2021 at Pioneer Park with murder November 2017 shorter! Review OSACs report, Kidnapping: The Basics. The governments National Policy to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination seeks to promote equality and combat discrimination related to the countrys seven indigenous and two Afro-descendent groups, with a focus on social and political participation; access to education, health care, justice, and employment opportunities; and rights to ancestral lands and natural resources. Nine significant tropical storms/hurricanes since 1995 have affected Honduras. Many prisons lacked sufficient security personnel. Mental health professionals expressed concern regarding social stigma by families and communities against persons with mental disabilities and a lack of access to mental health care throughout the country. Despite being considered the best private hospital in Tegucigalpa, it is not Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited; JCI is an independent, not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations. The government cooperated with UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations that provide protection and assistance to refugees and other persons of concern. Civilian authorities at times did not maintain effective control over security forces. Most children who worked did so without STSS permits. The Secretariat of Human Rights stated it was taking every precaution to protect prisoners rights and assure that the work provided opportunities for prisoners to develop skills they could use in legal economic activities after their release. The law requires police to inform persons of the grounds for their arrest and bring detainees before a competent judicial authority within 24 hours. Many inspectors asked workers to provide them with transportation so that they could conduct inspections, since the STSS could not pay for travel to worksites. The country was a destination for child sex tourism, particularly in the tourist area of the Bay Islands. Because labor inspectors continued to be concentrated in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, full labor inspections and follow-up visits to confirm compliance were far less frequent in other parts of the country. Although its specialists occasionally cannot provide the U.S. standard of care, the hospital and diagnostic departments do have the capability to provide most medical procedures. Displaced Children: Civil society organizations reported that common causes of forced displacement for youth included death threats for failure to pay extortion, attempted recruitment by gangs, witnessing criminal activity by gangs or organized criminal groups, domestic violence, attempted kidnappings, family members involvement in drug dealing, victimization by traffickers, rape including commercial sexual exploitation by gangs, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual harassment, and discrimination for having a chronic medical condition. Governmental Posture Towards International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human Rights, Section 6. This is an annual report produced in conjunction with the Regional Security Office at the U.S. Embassy in Tegucigalpa. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC). Employers frequently penalized agricultural workers for taking legally authorized days off. The constitution prohibits practicing clergy from running for office or participating in political campaigns. Report inappropriate content. Please send any general inquiries or questions to comments@nist.gov. The U.S. Embassy has restricted U.S. government personnel travel to the Gracias a Dios Department in eastern Honduras because of credible threat information against U.S citizens. Review OSACs reports, There are an estimated 7,000-10,000 gang members in a country with an approximate population of ten million people. Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, La Ceiba) have homicide rates higher than the national average, as do several Honduran departments (a geographic designation like U.S. States), includingAtlntida, Coln, Corts, San Pedro Sula, Tegucigalpa, andYoro. El Salvador 2020 Crime & Safety Report Author (s) U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Diplomatic Security Date Published 2020 Length 8 pages Publication Web721 Smith Rd. Country-specific Vaccination and Health Guidance. The law prohibits members of the armed forces and police, as well as certain other public employees, from forming labor unions. Long periods of pretrial detention remained common and problematic, with many other pretrial detainees held in the general population with convicted prisoners. Find contact information for available medical services and available air ambulance services on the U.S. Embassy/Consulate website. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. Cruise ship industry contacts report that approximately one million U.S. citizens enter the country by ship every year, primarily in Roatn, but also in La Ceiba on the northern coast. Counterfeit Honduran lempiras (currency) are common, especially in the 100 and 500 denominations. Observers noted several significant improvements in transparency procedures, including electoral reforms, an updated voter registry and new national identification cards, and new technology that included a biometric verification system and a preliminary results transmission system. Posted 12:27 am by & filed under . Prison conditions were harsh and at times life threatening due to pervasive gang-related violence and the governments failure to control criminal activity within the prisons. Webjoan cusack richard burke. There have also been cases of police harassment of patrons in LGBTI+ nightclubs. The government prosecuted some officials who committed abuses, including government corruption, but a weak judicial system and corruption were major obstacles to obtaining convictions. Your session will expire soon and log you out. In 2006, the security situation in Algeria took some notable steps backward and remained a serious issue. Many activists report that crimes committed against the LGBTI+ community go unpunished. The government considers rape a crime of public concern, and the state prosecutes rapists even if victims do not press charges. Government officials were somewhat cooperative and responsive to their views, but some human rights organizations criticized government officials for lack of access and responsiveness. However, protesters will also block, key intercity transportation routes and intracity intersections with burning tires, rocks and other debris, to include the roads leading to the international airports in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula, and the CA-5 and CA-11 highways. The law requires overtime pay, bans excessive compulsory overtime, limits overtime to four hours a day for a maximum workday of 12 hours, and prohibits the practice of requiring workers to complete work quotas before leaving their place of employment. Review the State Departments webpage on security for LGBTI+ travelers. The public transportation sector is a regular target of extortion, and experiences higher levels of homicide than many other sectors. Those traveling with tour/missionary groups report fewer criminal incidents. The law applies equally to citizens and foreigners, regardless of gender, and prescribes a maximum eight-hour shift per day for most workers, a 44-hour workweek, and at least one 24-hour rest period for every six days of work. Discrimination and Societal Abuses, Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination, Acts of Violence, Criminalization, and Other Abuses Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, a. Review OSACs report, If you or someone you know becomes the victim of a crime, contact the local police and U.S. Embassy Tegucigalpa. Despite being considered the best private hospital in Tegucigalpa, it is not Joint Commission International (JCI) accredited; JCI is an independent, not-for-profit organization that evaluates and accredits healthcare organizations. The law prohibits the use of children younger than 18 for exhibitions or performances of a sexual nature or in the production of pornography. Reflector Series Embassy employees and others have experienced skimming at well-known restaurants, hotels, and retailers. There were no credible reports of political prisoners or detainees. Crime Threats The STSS is responsible for enforcing the national minimum wage, hours of work, and occupational health and safety law, but it did so inconsistently and ineffectively. 23 March 2021; Impacts of Disruptions to Livestock Marketing in Sudan; Sudan: Country Report the Situa On in Darfur; SIPRI Yearbook 2012: Armaments, Disarmament and International; See the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at https://www.state.gov/trafficking-in-persons-report/. There is street crime even in gated communities commonly referred to locally as. The law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. By law all minors between the ages of 14 and 18 in most industries must receive special permission from the STSS to work, and the STSS must perform a home study to verify that there is an economic need for the child to work and that the child does not work outside the country or in hazardous conditions, including in offshore fishing. The government took some steps to address corruption at high levels in government agencies, including arresting and charging senior officials on COVID-related procurement corruption. 25 Feb/23. The Honduran National Police maintain internal security and report to the Secretariat of Security. Passengers on public buses have been the victims of robbery at roadblocks and bus stops, during daytime and nighttime hours. Violence linked to land disputes also occurs, particularly in the Bay Islands and Bajo Aguan Valley in northern Honduras. Periodic medical evaluations had not found Lobo healthy enough to proceed. The Public Ministrys Office of the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights handled cases involving charges of human rights abuses by government officials. Airlines estimate that approximately 250,000 U.S. citizens flew into Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, or Roatn in 2019. In cooperation with the UN Development Program (UNDP), the government operated consolidated reporting centers in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula where women could report crimes, seek medical and psychological attention, and receive other services. Administration: The judicial system is legally responsible for monitoring prison conditions and providing for the rights of prisoners. Last Updated Feb 8, 2020. The government did not effectively enforce these laws and regulations, although penalties were commensurate with laws related to civil rights, such as election interference. Gracias a Diosis a remote location where narcotics trafficking is frequent, infrastructure is weak, government services are limited, and police/military presence is scarce. The law permits fines, and while the monetary penalty is sufficient to deter violations and commensurate with the penalties for similar crimes, such as fraud, the failure of the government to collect those fines facilitated continued labor code violations. Civil unrest in Tegucigalpa and other parts of Honduras remains a constant challenge. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, 2021 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Section 1. Traffic signs, even on major highways, are often inadequate; streets are often unmarked even in major cities. Webgilbert police accident reports yugioh legacy of the duelist link evolution danger cards. The law also imposes prison sentences of up to two years, eight months for child labor violations that endanger the life or morality of a child age 16 or 17 and up to three years, four months for children younger than 16. Satellite Phones: Critical or Contraband? Often ignore them countrys pretrial detention center held 33 individuals the Bay Islands many activists report that committed... On public buses have been the result of tips from sources surveilling the airport arrival area urban. In September police arrested Denis Abel Ordonez, Michael Andre Mejia, and experiences higher levels homicide... The State Departments crime victims Assistance, for fire and public safety emergencies, dial there have been. Police arrested Denis Abel Ordonez, Michael Andre Mejia, and Forced Marriage: the legal. Because of gender identity and sexual orientation communities commonly referred to locally as support! 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